Join a community of green web designers
Ask questions, get support, make friends!
Sign up for the course & join our community.
The Green Web Design Course community is located with the course in Thinkific. It’ll help keep our conversations organized, easy to access, and most importantly, free!
Get live, ongoing guidance with our monthly tech support calls.
Quite frankly, it’s impossible to cover everything in the course video content. You’re bound to have follow-up questions, weird bugs in your website projects, or client situations you’re unsure how to deal with. That’s where the tech support calls come in!
Now that the course has run its first full cycle, the calls will take place monthly. Anyone is welcome to join regardless of where they’re at in the course! Their times will be posted in the Thinkific community.
Just because I’m offering “tech support” doesn’t mean that’s all you can ask
I’m definitely not IT support (that’s my husband) but I’m here to support however I can on your green web design journey. Including but not limited to:
Something super confusing in a course video? Unsure on what the heck was being discussed? Have a super specific follow-up question?
Ask away! That’s what we’re here for.
Having trouble getting clients? Not sure who your target audience is? Wondering how to get clients to care about green web design?
It’s covered in the course but we’re here to answer your super-specific questions, too!
Can’t quite get Squarespace to listen to your code? WordPress giving you all the issues? Shopify have a mind of its own?
Share your screen and ask for help! We’ll offer the best guidance we can to get your website bug-free.
Working on a client’s brand, website, or something else and feeling stuck? Not sure if what you’re working on is actually good?
Bring it to the group and we’ll give you our honest two cents – in the most kind and encouraging way!
+ whatever else your heart desires!
Join the course + get access to all the community goodies
Investment: $300 USD